I was in a house with a couple of friends and they were going off on an outing which i felt left out of. so i decided to take my own journey to somewhere on a train however the trained derailed and it crashed and i ended up getting off it and went a to pub where i had a music system with me and i was trying to find directions to somewhere i needed to go, and the music system i was going to leave in the pub however the music system ended breaking and i was just stuck in the place and woke up.
This dream may suggest feelings of exclusion and a desire for independence. The house symbolizes your social circle, and your friends going on an outing without you may reflect a fear of being left out or feeling disconnected from them. Taking your own journey on a train could represent your attempt to find your own path and assert your independence.
However, the train derailing and crashing indicates that your plans might not go as smoothly as expected. This unexpected turn of events could symbolize a fear of failure or obstacles that may hinder your attempts to find your own way. It may also suggest that taking risks or stepping out of your comfort zone can lead to unpredictable outcomes.
Entering a pub in the dream could signify a desire for relaxation or seeking solace in familiar surroundings. The broken music system may symbolize a breakdown in communication or difficulties in expressing yourself. Feeling stuck in the pub without clear directions further emphasizes a sense of being trapped or not knowing how to move forward.
Overall, this dream could reflect your subconscious concerns about feeling left out, the fear of failure, and the struggle to find your own path in life. It may be a reflection of your current emotions and underlying desires for independence and self-discovery.